Carmen Lagala
Carmen Lagala is a New York City based stand-up comedian who made her network television debut in 2018 on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert. Originally from Vermont, Carmen endears audiences with her small-town charm, delivering jokes that are smart, dark, dirty and playful. She regularly features for comedian Hari Kondabolu at the best clubs and theaters across the country, and recently appeared in the web sketch “Dollar Store Therapist” for Comedy Central. Carmen was featured in the 2018 New York Comedy Festival for stand-up, sketch, a roast, and her own show “Puppets Present” which was a Time Out New York pick for “Best Shows to See”. She’s performed in several other festivals including Brooklyn Comedy Festival, Bridgetown, Rogue Island, and the Women in Comedy Festival.
- Tuesday February 4th 08:00PM
- Nice Try ft: Michael Kosta, Mike Cannon, Jessica Levin, Graham Kay, Brendan Sagalow, Carmen Lagala
- In this unique and hilarious weekly show, professional comics try out new material in front of a live audience for the first time ever. NICE TRY is the brainchild of Michael Kosta – a Daily Show correspondent and stand-up comedy vet - and you're invited to stop by, have a drink, and see how the comedy get's made. Featuring Michael Kosta Mike Cannon Jessica Levin Graham Kay Brendan Sagalow Carmen Lagala
- Tuesday February 4th 09:15PM
- Mike Cannon, Brendan Sagalow, Carmen Lagala
- Get the authentic NYC stand up comedy experience at New York Comedy Club! Enjoy a nightly showcase of the best comedians in the city, hot up-and-comers, plus hotshot celebrity drop ins, national and international touring comics and more surprises!FeaturingMike CannonBrendan SagalowCarmen Lagala